

Executive Office

Vacancy location


Job Duties

  1. Conduct site survey when needed to verify the dimensions of the locations verify the requirements & conditions of the facility interior design.
  2. Prepare the interior design drawings and requirements.
  3. Conduct site visit to inspect the architectural works to assure the proper implementation of the plan in radio sites erection
  4. Inspect the materials which are used by contractor during sites’ visits to ensure the validity of materials specifications.
  5. Identify the design malfunctions & notes during site visit and report the observations to HOS & any concerned party.
  6. Conduct the acceptance for architectural works implementation according to the preset design.
  7. Ensure that all issues related to site visit findings are solved appropriately.
  8. Prepare or review as-built layout


Bachelor’s degree in architectural engineering is required.


2-year relevant experience is required.

Knowledge, Skills & Abilities

Good level in English and Microsoft Office is required

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