Employment Specialist


Executive Office

Vacancy location


Job Duties

  1. Advertise job vacancies timely as per the approved hiring plan.
  2. Review received CVs through sourcing channels and enter applicants’ data to relevant HCM systems.
  3. Prepare monthly reports related to sourcing channels and send to HOS for analysis and review.
  4. Conduct screening interviews as per relevant procedures.
  5. Provide needed guidance to all candidates in order to properly fill relevant employment applications/forms with all necessary information.
  6. Organize and provide needed tests to candidates, correct them and send results to HOS.
  7. Interview candidates, fill relevant assessment reports as per relevant procedures and send a daily summary of conducted interviews to HOS.
  8. Request reference check for internal/external candidates as per relevant procedures.
  9. Send candidates’ profiles who passed HCM interview to concerned management to schedule technical interview and request details on date and time.
  10. Inform candidates about the status of their application timely as per relevant procedures.
  11. Coordinate with Compensation & Benefits Planning Section to prepare job offers and provide them with all needed information.
  12. Keep record of all employment phases (Applications, assessment forms…etc.).
  13. Plan, participate and conduct workshops/ employment events as per relevant procedures.


Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration is required, preferable in human resources management


1-year relevant experience is required.

Knowledge, Skills & Abilities

Good level in English and Microsoft Office is required.

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