Transport Operation Access Microwave Engineer



Vacancy location


Job Duties

1. Implement network transport designs and approved expansion plans, modify microwave connections as per pre-approved work orders.
2. Perform acceptance test for network transport elements and report the results to the direct line of authority.
3. Implement network transport preventive maintenance plan by conducting site visit, applying back up timely and effectively and prepare the related reports.
4. Implement network transport services offered to all customers internal and external and guarantee service quality as per the network performance KPI's (Key Performance Indicator).
5. Inspect network transport materials in warehouse as requested.
6. Keep records about the corrective and preventive actions applied to solve customers’ complaints.
7. Maintain and enhance network security and protect the network and customers' networks from unauthorized access and security breaches.
8. Monitor network performance and maintain the requirements and KPIs.
9. Apply network optimization and QoS mechanisms as set by network planning unit.
10. Administrate Network Transport Management System to ensure its timely update, availability and functionality and granting access permissions for approved users.


Bachelor’s Degree in Telecom/IT/Electronic Engineering is required.


2 Years of relevant experience is required.

Professional Certificates


Knowledge, Skills & Abilities

Good level in English and Microsoft Office is required.

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